Our team creates resources to help families and cold case investigators navigate and understand the Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG) process. Although many of the items below were developed specifically for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Identification Project, they each have information that would be of use to any DNA tester, family member or investigator.
A detailed flowchart of the lab and genealogy process for cold or active cases of unidentified human remains or crime scene DNA. Process flow for DNA lab (side one) and genealogy team (side two).
Although both STR and SNP testing give DNA results, they are VERY different. Learn more about the differences here.
A chart outlining authorized Law Enforcement usage of genetic genealogy (DNA) databases; A handy reference guide to what information is available to DNA matches and/or any other user
Individuals who are DNA testing for comparison to unidentified remains can use this guide to learn more about managing their DNA
A detailed description of how the IGG process will be utilized in the Tulsa Graves Investigation
Privacy options and ways to have an individual DNA test compared to unidentified remains in the Tulsa 1921 Graves Investigation; Options C, D and E can be applied to any DNA tester and comparisons to any unidentified remains and/or crime scene DNA investigations
A video showing how to download an AncestryDNA or 23andMe test for use in uploading to the GEDmatch database for assisting in unidentified remains cases, as well as crime scene DNA, if desired
Individuals DNA testing for comparison to unidentified remains can use this guide to learn more about managing their DNA